Indonesia consists of many islands and the archipelago has many natural resources and wealth of the sea is amazing. Indonesia Sea because it is so beautiful filled with beautiful coral reefs, underwater animals that are rarely found along the white sand beaches are very charming.
Many enchanting islands that makes a lot of foreign tourists to come back to Indonesia. Here are some of the Most Beautiful Islands in Indonesia is rich in underwater animals, coral reefs are so amazing and beautiful beaches are very charming :
1. Kepulauan Karimun Jawa (Karimun Jawa Islands)
Karimun is an island in the Java Sea are included in Jepara, Central Java. With an area of approximately 1,500 hectares, the islands of Karimun
Jawa is now being developed into a Travel Charm Marine Park that
started favored local and foreign tourists.
March 15, 2001, Karimun established by the Government of Jepara as a
National Park Karimun Jawa, home to coral reefs, mangroves, coastal
forests and where 400 species of marine fauna such as 242 species of
ornamental fish, rare animal Sea Eagle Chest White, hawksbill turtle and
the turtle Green. This
place also grow herbs Dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) as a
characteristic of Karimun Java is grown in lowland rain forest. Waves this beach also includes quiet because it is limited by the white sandy beaches are mostly soft.
To go to the Karimun Java can ship from Jepara or Semarang, From the
Port of Tanjung Emas, Ship Kartini I (speedboats) leave every Saturday
at 9 am and returns of Karimun Java on Sunday afternoon.
While Port Beach Kartini, Jepara, Muria ship will depart for Karimun Java every 2 days. Or
by air links from Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang towards Bandar Dewa Daru
Island Kemujan with rental CASA 212 aircraft provided by PT. Sea travel Nusa Permai.
2. Kepulauan Wakatobi (Wakatobi Islands)
Wakatobi is an islands located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi province consisting of four main islands. Wakatobi name is an abbreviation of the name of the larger islands situated therein, namely the island of Wangi-scented, Kaledupa, Tomia island, and the island Binongko.
Wakatobi designated a National Park in 2002, with a total area of 1.39 million ha, involving marine biodiversity, scale and condition of coral; which occupies one of the highest priority for marine conservation in Indonesia. Specifically Park Authority on the beach surrounded by coral islands along the 600 km and beach attractions and scattered across the Wakatobi
Wakatobi National Park there are 750 of the total 850 species of coral in the world. Configuration depth varies from flat to sloping to the sea and in some areas there are bertubir steep waters. The deepest part of the waters reaches 1,044 meters.
More than 112 species of coral from 13 families, among other Acropora formosa, A Hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris Yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata, Sarcophyton throchelliophorum, and Sinularia spp live in harmony with other underwater inhabitants.
Fish wealth owned this national park as many as 93 species. Among them, Cephalopholus argus, Naso unicornis, Balistoides viridescens, Cheilinus undulatus, Lutjanus biguttatus, Siganus guttatus, Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and others. Wakatobi is also a playground manta ray (Manta ray) are classified as giant body size. Mantas is one type of fish that is distinctive and unique, which is only found in tropical waters.
The existence of 25 clusters of coral reefs and deep waters make the Park Authority ideal place for various types of marine life to live, but also make sea dwellers here have aesthetic value and high conservation.
3. Kepulauan Anambas (Anambas Islands)
Anambas is one of the islands in Indonesia, located in the South China Sea or the Natuna Sea. Administratively Anambas is part of the Riau Islands are a result of expansion Natuna. Anambas has 238 island and only 26 are inhabited island.
The archipelago has many beaches with white sand, coral reefs are stunning, beautiful natural scenery, as well as the sea water is very clear until you can see the fish clearly from the top surface of the water.
Anambas formed lagoons that separate the islands. When low tide, you can see several islands connected by a sand dune with other islands. The bottom of the lagoon in the form of white sand with beautiful coral gardens at several points.
One interesting side are several islands in Anambas become a favorite place for turtles to lay eggs, one of which Durai island. On this island, you can bet every day there are turtles climbed ashore to lay eggs, even when we dive, we will also see the turtles with a size of approximately 35 cm was hovering over us.
Some islands were frequently visited by the traveler is the Berhala island, Dayang island, Penjalin Island, Mengkait Island, Temawan Beach, Bawah Island, Rongkat Island, Ayam Island, Jam Island, as well as Padang Beach restless categorized as the longest beach on the island Anambas with white sand gently sloping textured 7 km
Because of the natural beauty of Anambas, CNN even named him as the most beautiful tropical islands in Asia. especially Bawah Islands area..There was a beautiful small islands, namely: Bawah Island (63.54 hectares), Sanggah Island (27.45 hectares), Elang Island (59.4 hectares), Merba Island (1.3 hectares), and Lisi Island( 1.13 hectares). In the middle of the lagoon islands tersebutlah it dwells so beautiful.
Anambas islands located in the Riau Islands is highly recommended for fans of diving and snorkeling. Coral reefs around the islands are a paradise for diving and there are a variety of unique marine life.
4. Kepulauan Raja Ampat (Raja Ampat Islands)
Raja Ampat Islands is a tourist destination located in the territory of West Papua. which is a group of islands that spread is from about 610 islands, but only 35 islands are inhabited by a population. Raja Ampat has an area of approximately 881.953 km2, with a land area of only about 6.084,50 km2, the remainder consisting of the oceans
Raja Ampat area is the island group, with one - the only means of transport that can be used by the Community about is the sea freight transportation. This transport is used both to reach the capital of the district (Waisai) or vice versa. With four main islands located in this area makes its own uniqueness. The four islands are Batanta island, the island of Misool, Salawati Island and the island Waigeo.
This area is already known throughout the world for its natural beauty that is very charming. This region is also dubbed the Amazon region as a World Ocean. The nickname was given because of the location of these sites is in the center of world coral triangle.

This region consists of many islands and narrow straits, resulting in most of the other dive destinations have a strong current, it is very exciting because the diver does not require much effort in doing this sport while looking beauty charm coral reefs and various types of fish is very beautiful.
Raja Ampat in West Papua province obviously has the potential of nature tourism that is extraordinary. Tourism Raja Ampat is very popular with travel underwater recorded from the research institutions of government and non-government such as the team of experts from Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, and the Institute of Oceanography (LON) and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) for the period between 2001 and 2002, noting that the location of the best dive sites in the world has a source of great wealth and diversity of its underwater flora and fauna.

Based on these results, the Raja Ampat Islands turned out to have almost 75% of all coral species found in the world. Hardly exist anywhere else in the world that has the number of coral species that much in a natural area that can be said is not too broad. Even the spectacular news is around 10 times the number of coral species has ever been found throughout the Caribbean.
Charm biodiversity Raja Ampat archipelago is indeed practically very abundant. Here you can find no less than about 540 types of coral with decorated downstream mudiknya various types of right that many forms as well as body color colorful very beautiful, and you know, that would be to find about 1,511 species of fish in a single location is not too large. in Raja Ampat there are also 27 species of rare fish, five species of endangered sea turtles, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp