Thursday, April 16, 2020

Weh Island, the Hidden Paradise at the Western End of Indonesia

Pulau Weh (or We) is a small volcanic island located northwest of the island of Sumatra. The island is only 120.7 km² wide, but has many mountains. The highest peak of this island is a fumarolic volcano with a height of 617 meters. Sabang City which is the 0 km point of Indonesia is on this island. The westernmost tip of Indonesia is part of the NAD Province

This island is famous for its ecosystem. The Indonesian government has determined an area of ​​60 km  from the edge of the island both inside and outside as a nature reserve. 
Big-mouthed sharks can be found on the coast of this island. In addition, this island is the only habitat of the threatened frog, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo). The coral reefs around the island are known as habitat for various fish species

In accordance with its position which is surrounded by sea and beach, on this Island swimming, snorkeling, and diving are the main 'menus'. There are 3 beautiful beaches on this island namely Sumur Tiga Beach, Iboih Beach, and Gapang Beach. On the beach of Sumur Tiga where the atmosphere is calm you can spend time while enjoying young coconut or snacks typical of the city of Sabang. It was named Sumur Tiga, because on this island there are three wells. 

The characteristics of this beach are also different, the white sand is shiny like crystal and smooth, while the sea water is slightly more choppy. Pualu Iboih has shallow beaches, calm and clear water. 
The trip to Weh Island can be reached by airplane because on the island there is already a small airport called Maimun Saleh Airport with a transit in Banda Aceh

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Revealing the Beautiful View of Lake Patenggang

Lake Patenggang or commonly called Situ Patengan is a lake located in the southern part of Bandung, precisely in the Ciwidey region, West Java Province, Indonesia. . Situ Patenggang is at an altitude of 1600 meters surrounded by tea gardens.
Situ Patenggang area is around 45,000 hectares. And the total area of ​​the nature reserve reaches 123,077.15 hectares. Situ Patenggang is located close to one of the tourist attractions in the area of ​​South Bandung, Kawah Putih, the distance from the white crater tour is only about 7 KM and takes about 10 minutes, so if you are on vacation to the area of ​​South Bandung can visit these two locations in time the same one
The beauty of this lake can be seen from various points, both from the hill and the tea garden seen directly from the lake. The area around the lake is a protected forest and a stretch of tea plantations. To reach Situ Patengan, you can use private vehicles or public transportation. The vehicle parking area is located directly on the lake shore
Existing facilities in this place is the rental of water vehicles in the form of boats or water bikes. By renting a boat we will be taken around Situ Patenggang. We should also visit Batu Cinta and surround Asmara Island. The island is located in the middle of the lake and looks shady with lots of trees. Meanwhile, Batu Cinta is on the other side of the lake which is said to be the location of the meeting between Dewi Rengganis and Ki Santang.
Lake Patenggang Bandung has its own legend. The name Patenggang is said to be derived from the word pateang-teang (looking for one another). As usual, this legend has to do with a love affair. It is said that two incarnations of god named Raden Santang and the goddess of Rengganis have been separated for so long.
They then looked for each other, and finally met in what is now called the love stone. Dewi Rengganis then applied for a lake and a boat for them to sail. This boat later became the island in the middle lake of patenggang.
Each of these water vehicles is offered at a rental price that can be negotiated with the provider. Boat rental price of Rp. 15,000-Rp. 20,000 / person and Rp. 150,000 / boat, swan boat Rp. 40,000 / boat, and if you want to take a boat while fishing then you can rent it for Rp. 15,000 / fishing rod.