Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Find Out More About Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Islands consist of a series of four islands are very close together precisely located at the westernmost tip of the island of Irian (Papua) parts of the Bird's Head. Raja Ampat has an area of approximately 881 953 km2, with a land area of only about 6084.50 km2, the remainder consisting of the oceans, with the geographic location of the position 2º25 'N - 4º25' latitude and 130 ° - 132º55 'BT. This district consists of 610 pieces of small islands, and there are four large islands, the island chain consists of Waigeo Island, Misool Island, Salawati Island and Island Batanta.

To reach this tour if you are using the aircraft through the air port service flights Sorong ie Domine Eduard Osok, after that you can go to the island via the dock crossings between islands using public or express ferry and speedboat.

This region consists of many islands and narrow straits, resulting in most of the other dive destinations have a strong current, it is very exciting because the diver does not require much effort in doing this sport while looking beauty charm coral reefs and various species of fish are very beautiful

Famous beaches there are: Waisai Terong Cinta Beach, Waiwo Beach, Pine Beach, Yeben beach, and the beach Arborek which are included in some of the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia, with white sand gently sloping natural scenery consists of a cluster of islands small very beautiful and charming.

At least there are three facts that make raja Ampat being famous in the world. First, Raja Ampat area was accidentally discovered. At that time, a Dutchman diver named Max Ammer visited this region. The goal initially was to explore the existence of aircraft and vessels used in World War II estimated the shipwrecked kawasasan. It turns out Max Ammer very fascinated by the diversity of biota in Raja Ampat Then in 1998 he was invited Gerry Allen, a fisheries expert from Australia, to conduct a survey in this place. The search for the wreck and the plane itself was also fruitless. In the bottom of the sea islands of Raja Ampat found some relics of former wars, including the war machine, ships and airplanes former World War II. Thus, arguably, wealth Raja Ampat is not only the diversity of biota, but also its historical wealth.

Second, Raja Ampat is a paradise of coral reefs. There are some reefs are still in pristine condition with the percentage of live coral cover up to 90%, ie in Dampier Strait (strait that separates the island Waigeo and Batanta Island), Kofiau Islands, Islands and South East Misool Wayag Islands. Types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat is generally a fringing reef with the contours of steep ramps up. But it also found the type of atoll and the type of burns or taka. For those who can not dive too, coral reefs can still be enjoyed, namely the village Saondarek. When the lowest tides, there can be seen coral reefs can still be alive despite being in the open air and exposed to direct sunlight.

Third, Raja Ampat is one of the best dive sites in the world. There are several well-known diving spots in Raja Ampat, such as Manta Point, Mike's Point, Sardine Reef and Shark Point. Each point has its own privileges. For example, in Manta point, can easily be found fish Manta with a diameter of 9 meters and down around you. Around the islands Kaboei Bay Rock there is a bay which is a tunnel underneath a rock. In Kaboei Bay Rock also found coral caves inhabited by bats, and in some places are found remains of human bones. Because the area of many islands and narrow straits, then most of the dive at a particular time has a strong current. It is also possible to do a drift dive, dive, following the strong current with very clear water as he broke through schools of fish. Special again, there are still many coral reef sites that have not been touched.