Sunday, March 31, 2024

This stunning beach is called Coro Beach

Coro Beach is located in Besole Village, Besuki District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, which is approximately 34 kilometers from the center of Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia.

This beach is 400 meters long with cliffs on either side of the beach and coral rocks attached to the beach. The trees around the beach add to the impression of calm and peace, making this beach the perfect place to relax while enjoying the sea breeze.

This beach is also suitable for camping for nature lovers, because you can find the moment to watch the stunning sunset on the western horizon.

The name 'Coro' according to folklore, this beach was once inhabited by many Coro insects or in Indonesian it means 'cockroach' which lived on coastal coral. Even though cockroaches themselves are disgusting insects because Coro Beach means "Cockroach Beach" in Javanese, this beach is very beautiful and far from the impression its name suggests.

But indeed, the journey to get there is not easy. The journey is relatively long. There are several destinations that must be passed first. Even the path is still natural. This means that the road is still made of dirt, not made of asphalt and is quite extreme.

The Coro Beach parking ticket itself is IDR 5,000. But it's all worth it because the beauty of the beach can wash your eyes. Apart from that, food stalls, seating, toilets, prayer rooms, camping grounds are also available around the beach. To make searching easier, this location has been marked on Google Maps