Gorontalo is a province in Indonesia. Previously, the peninsula Gorontalo (Hulondalo) is a region of Gorontalo regency and municipality of Gorontalo in northern Sulawesi. Gorontalo Province is located in the northern part of Sulawesi Island or in the western part of the province of North Sulawesi. The total area of the province 12.435.00 km² Gorobtalo Province discount a lot of natural beauty which are as follows :
1. Danau Limboto (Limboto Lake)
Limboto Lake is a lake located in District Limboto, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Spacious Lake Limboto until the year 2007 amounted to 2.537.15 ha, with a depth of about 2 to 2.5 m while the catchment area of Lake Limboto about 900 km2, whereas in 1932 the average depth of the lake Limboto 30 meters with an area of 7,000 Ha. The lake is shrinking from year to year and accompanied by silting of the lake. Most of the lake into town of Gorontalo
2. Pantai Bolihutuo (Bolihutuo Beach)
Bolihutuo beach is located in District Tilamuta Bolihutuo inaugurated with the name Boalemo Beautiful Attractions. Turkish Bolihutuo inimemiliki a distance of about 130 kilometers from the center of the city of Gorontalo. This beach has a set of green pine trees that provide coolness.
3. Teluk Tomini (Tomini Bay)
Tomini Bay is the largest bay in Indonesia with an area of approximately 6 million hectares with the potential of rich natural resources and unique There are many islands beautiful island in the Gulf of Tomini, there are about 90 islands diteluk, most of the island is located in the province of Gorontalo, partly in the province central Sulawesi and north Sulawesi in part diprovinsi-minahasa Buyat bay. Amid Tomini there are 56 islands and 1 piece volcanoes are still active, Togean or Togian islands are islands that are diteluk Tomini while colo mountain on the island is a volcano una una middle of this bay. The scenic beauty under the sea in the bay is quite remarkable.
4. Pulau Saronde (Saronde Island)
Saronde island which became part of Gorontalo province is uninhabited small islands that rely on the potential of natural and cultural charm. Beautiful island located in the northern Gulf of Kwandang, North Gorontalo District began widely known for The island has beaches and tourist sites of the best sea, with beautiful views of the coast Maldives. Saronde Island is a beautiful little island, with white sandy beaches and coral neat
5, Cagar Alam Panua (Panua Natural Reserve)
Panua Nature Reserve is located in Pohuwato, Gorontalo. 45 575 hectares of forest area Panua according to Minister of Forestry number 471 / Kpts- 11/1992. However, this spacious shrink when passed spatial plan Gorontalo in 2010 to 36 575 hectares. This nature reserve is a nest of endemic or endangered species are manifold bird named Bird Maleo. This bird is unique. Had bumps on the head of that function detects environmental heat to incubate their eggs. So this bird was also not like to fly like other birds such as chickens even have wings. Maybe it could be said to be very strange because this form of bird eggs are larger and do not brood when you want hatched. But buried in the ground heat or hot beach sand to hatch. Even more surprising fact that after hatching baby Maleo bird can fly.
6. Air Terjun Taludaa (Taludaa Waterfall)
Taludaa waterfall is a waterfall located 65 km from the center of the city of Gorontalo. Waterfall with a height that reaches 42m and 15m stretch of a natural phenomenon that makes the visitor interested to see this waterfall. Not only high but the flora and fauna around the waterfall. This waterfall has water fresh and clean enough. To find the location of the waterfall taludaa is easy because it is in the area of agrotourism.
7. Pantai Taula'a (Taula'a Beach)
Taula'a beach is located at the south of mainland Gorontalo. administratively, Taula'a beach is located in the village of the District Taula'a Bilato (previously districts Boliyohuto) Gorontalo regency. Mileage is just two hours from the city of Limboto, Gorontalo district center. there are interesting with this Taula'a beach because the shape of a U-shaped beaches overlooking the Gulf of Tomini. Taula'a also has contour choppy sea do not even impressed peace with splashing water so it is suitable for you who want to swim without draining a lot or along the coast by boat. Taula'a beach also has the charm of white sand that deserves to be enjoyed. plans, Taula'a beach is going to serve as attractions Turkish Gorontalo, could even become an icon of tourism given the Gorontalo Maritime charm owned beach Taula'a as a maritime tourist attraction in Gorontalo indeed be reckoned with.
8. Cagar Alam Tanjung Panjang
(Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve)
Tanjung Long Nature Reserve is located in Pohuwato, Gorontalo. His condition is now more critical due to conversion of forest lands into a pond. The nature reserve of 3,000 hectares of mangrove forest dominated it now only 600 hectares of intact forest. In addition to causing abrasion, over the function also interfere with the preservation of endangered species Maleo.
Most of the mangrove stands cleared and replaced ponds for shrimp and fish. In fact, heavy equipment excavator into the region to accelerate the clearing of mangrove.
Most of the mangrove stands cleared and replaced ponds for shrimp and fish. In fact, heavy equipment excavator into the region to accelerate the clearing of mangrove.
9. Taman Laut Olele (Olele Matine Park)
Olele Marine Park is located in the village of Olele, District Kabila Bone, Bone Bolango District. By taking approximately less than 1 hour from Gorontalo by land vehicles, or about 30 minutes if speedboat ride from Gorontalo. One of the unique things that can be found in Marine Park Olele is banyakknya large sponge named Salvador Dali sponge (Petrossian lignosa) scattered around the Marine Park Olele. The ranks of the various types of coral reefs with a variety of colors, hundreds of marine species that swim among the divers. There are nine dive spot in Olele which has different advantages and uniqueness of each.
10. Pulau Mohinggito (Mohinggito Island)
Mohinggito island located in the northern part of Sulawesi waters, with the distance of the harbor Kwandang ranges from 4.90 miles. Mohinggito Island is a range of islands located next to the island Ponelo North Gorontalo, the island adjacent to the island Saronde which has been recognized by local and foreign tourists. The island has had a different pesonan Saronde island, and no less beautiful with the island saronde.Pulau mohinggito have bay area bounded by the ring atoll, and the white sandy beaches of exotic.
11. Pulau Diyonumo (Diyonumo Island)
Diyonumo Island, an island keil with an area of about 2 ha. The island is located precisely in the village Deme 2 districts Sumalata East, North Gorontalo. One interesting thing of this Diyonumo island is there is a small hill covered with grass .To reach the top of the hill climb takes approximately 15 minutes. Having reached the top of the hill Diyonumo Island. From the top of the hill we can see the clear blue coastal waters north of Gorontalo combined with green grass. Dembe II village that looks across the hill adding exotic island. The crossing to the island is only takes 20 minutes
12. Air Terjun Didinnga (Didingga Waterfall)
Didingga waterfall located in the district. Tolinggula, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo. have exotic scenery. The location of this waterfall is not much untouched by tourists so tourism is still very natural.
13. Pantai Dunu (Dunu Beach)

Dunu beach is located in a village called dunu, monano districts, northern Gorontalo district. This beach gives the beauty of the beach is decorated by dozens of white sand and coconut palms and other trees, aside from beach resorts dunu also be an experimental area.
14. Pantai Tenilo (Tenilo Beach)
Tenilo beach is located in the district Boalemo, Gorontalo. Characteristic of this beach has shallow waters which is very wide and paved with white sand
15. Pantai Molotabu (Molotabu Beach)
Molotabu beach located in the village of Molotabu which is about 16 km from the City Centre of Gorontalo and included District Bone Bolango coastlines long enough so that it has its own charm, especially when the sun sets. The beach also has a beauty under the sea such as coral reefs are very close to the surface.
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