Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ranu Kumbolo Lake

Ranu Kumbolo is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area, precisely between Malang and Lumajang districts, East Java, Indonesia, with an area of ​​15 ha. Many visitors intentionally stay overnight using tents. In general, these visitors, apart from enjoying the beauty of Ranu Kumbolo lake, are also looking forward to seeing the sun rise up there
You need physical fitness to get here, besides that, prepare three copies of your ID card, a health certificate from a doctor, and a stamp. At Ranu Pani before climbing, you will be asked to register by showing these two letters. It is intended to maintain safety and as a rescue measure something bad could happen to you while traveling.
Things that need to be prepared before traveling are climbing equipment such as jackets (try a thick waterproof jacket), socks, gloves, headgear, earplugs, masks, sleeping bags, tents, food and drinking water. The most important thing is to carry an adequate supply of water. You can also bring chocolate or honey to help increase your stamina when you climb Mount Semeru.
The entrance ticket to Ranu Kumbolo Lake is approximately IDR 10,000 per person and IDR 20,000 per tent. To reach Ranu Kumbolo Lake, there are two alternative climbing routes to Lake Ranu Kumbolo that you can take, namely via Watu Rejeng and Bukit Ayek - ayek. The Watu Rejeng route is much easier to reach than the Ayek-ayek route, but it takes longer. Meanwhile, through the Ayek-ayek Hill route, the journey is much faster but the road you have to travel is very steep and quite dangerous for an inexperienced climber. This location is already marked in Google Maps