There are many lakes that are formed naturally and have
their own charm in Indonesia. In contrast to rivers and the sea, the
tranquility of the water in the lake seems to make someone to visit it. The
following will reveal ten of the most beautiful lakes in Indonesia.
1. Danau Labuan Cermin (Lake Labuan Cermin), Kalimantan
Labuan Cermin Lake is located in Labuan Kelambu Village,
Biduk-Biduk District, East Kalimantan. The lake, which can be reached by land
for about 6 to 7 hours from Tanjung Redeb, is called as Labuan Cermin Lake
because the water is very clear. Because the depth of the most beautiful lake
in Indonesia is only 3 meters, you can enjoy the beauty of the coral contained
at the bottom of the lake with the naked eye.
Labuan Cermin lake is also known as the two flavor lake
because the water in the most beautiful lake in Indonesia is a combination of
sea water and fresh water which at the top of the lake consists of salt water,
and the bottom is fresh water. Interestingly, the color of lake water is
similar to the gradation of sea water, namely dark blue, light blue, turquoise,
and white. Swimming, snorkeling, or diving are water activities that you can do
at the most beautiful lake in Indonesia.
2. Danau Toba (Lake Toba), Sumatera Utara
Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia which has a
length of 100 km and a width of 30 km or around 113,000 hectares. This is one
of the favorite tourist attractions in North Sumatra. Lake Toba was formed due
to a huge volcanic eruption. This eruption produces a caldera which is then
filled with water.
Unlike the lake in general, in the middle of the lake which
has a depth of 450 meters there is an island called Pulau Samosir.
There are not many tourists who touch Samosir Island which
has an area almost the same as the area of Singapore, so that the island is
still very natural and thick with traditional culture. Samosir Island also has
two lakes, namely Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. On the island of Samosir
which is inhabited by the ancient Batak people there are relics of ancient
times such as stone graves and traditional villages. Samosir Island is the
right place for you who want to feel the peace of nature while learning about
cultural diversity
3. Danau Sentani (lake Sentani), Papua
In Papua there is a lake which is one of the most beautiful
lakes in Indonesia, namely Lake Sentani. Lake Sentani is located on the slopes
of the Cycloop nature reserve with a height of 75 meters above sea level and
has an area of 10,400 ha. In the most beautiful lakes in Indonesia, there are
22 islands that are still inhabited by tribes of origin, namely the Sentani
tribe. Lake Sentani can be traveled by road from Jayapura with a distance of 50
Lake Sentani is famous for its diversity of distinctive
marine life such as cork fish, sentani sharks and saw sharks. Visiting the most
beautiful lake in Indonesia is most appropriate during the middle of the year,
because at that time the Lake Sentani Festival was being held.
You will not
only be treated to a beautiful view of the lake and the surrounding cool
mountains, but also the diversity of unique cultures of Papua.
4. Danau Paniai (Lake Paniai), Papua
Paniai Lake is located in Paniai Regency, Papua. Lake Paniai
has always been famous for its natural beauty that is still natural and very
well maintained. The most beautiful lake in Indonesia has been famous to
foreign countries since 2007 ago. With an area of 14,500 hectares and located
at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level, this lake offers cool air and
beautiful views of sturdy cliffs.
Some of the water activities that you can do on this
beautiful lake include fishing from a boat while enjoying the natural beauty
that you certainly rarely get in other tourist attractions. If you plan to
spend the night, you don't need to bother looking for lodging because usually
the surrounding residents' homes are rented out to tourists.
5. Danau Maninjau, Sumatera Barat
Lake Maninjau is a volcanic lake at an altitude of 460
meters above sea level with a location about 140 km north of the city of
Padang, precisely in the District of Tanjung Raya, Agam Regency, West Sumatra.
According to local residents, Lake Maninjau which is one of the most beautiful
lakes in Indonesia was formed as a result of the eruption of Mount Sitinjau.
The area of Lake Maninjau reaches 9,950 ha.
To reach Lake Maninjau, you have to prepare your full
stamina, because you have to pass through Twist 44. Twist 44 is a typical
mountain road that descends and meanders. After going through Twisted 44, your
fatigue will be paid off by the beauty of Lake Maninjau which has a beautiful
green hills background. The highest peak of the hills on this lake is Puncak
Lawang, which is often used as the second destination after tourists are
satisfied walking around the lake.
6. Ranu Kumbolo (Lake Ranu Kumbolo), Jawa Timur
Ranu Kumbolo is a lake located at the foot of Mount Semeru.
Ranu Kumbolo is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, between
Lumajang Regency and Malang Regency, East Java Province. Ranu Kumbolo is often
touted as a hidden paradise (with an area of only 24 ha), because to reach the
most beautiful lake in Indonesia you have to do quite heavy trekking,
especially for novice climbers.
But do not worry, because during the trip to this beautiful
lake, you will be treated to views of the pine and pine trees along the
beautiful hills. If you are lucky, you can see the clouds of smoke from the top
of Semeru. The scenery that you should not miss when you are here is the view
of the sunrise that appears on the sidelines of the green hills, and at night
you can enjoy the beautiful sparkling galaxies in the night sky with the naked
7. Danau Segara Anak (Lake Segara Anak), Pulau Lombok
Lake Segara Anak is a lake in the crater of Mount Rinjani,
precisely located in Sembalun Lawang Village, Lombok Island, West Nusa
Tenggara. The name Segara Anak was given because its blue water is reminiscent
of the color of sea water.
located at an altitude of 2,000 meters with an area of 1,130
ha. Uniquely on the east side of the lake there is another screen named Mount
Barujari with an altitude of 2,296 - 2376 m above sea level
Aside from being an additional tourist attraction on Mount
Rinjani, the lake is usually used as a resting place for climbers who will
continue their journey to the top of Mount Rinjani. Around this lake there are
also hot springs which are believed to treat various diseases.
8. Danau Poso (Lake Poso), Sulawesi Tengah
Lake Poso is located in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi. With
a length of 32 km and a width of 16 km, this beautiful lake is the third
largest lake in Indonesia. In addition to Lake Toba, which is famous throughout
the world, the lake whose depth reaches 195 meters is also included in the list
of the most beautiful lakes in the world.
Lake Poso is quite a unique lake, because the edge of the
lake is surrounded by white sand, making it look like a cool white sandy beach.
Here you can explore the lake by motorboat while enjoying the activities of the
local community who are fishing, fishing and fish farming. In addition, you can
also visit Bancea Nature Tourism near the lake. Nature Tourism Bancea is the
largest orchid conservation site in Indonesia.
9. Danau Kelimutu Lake Kelimutu), Pulau Flores
Lake Kelimutu is in the Kelimutu National Park area, about
45 km from the town of Ende. Lake Kelimutu consists of three lakes located at
the peak of Mount Kelimutu. Each of these lakes has a different water color.
Each color of water contained in the most beautiful lakes in Indonesia has a
different meaning and it is believed that local people have magical powers.
To reach this beautiful lake, you can start the journey from
the city of Moni which is a backpacker basecamp. During the trip to the lake,
you will be treated to a beautiful view. The most western lake is named Tiwu
Ata Mbupu, the lake in the middle is called Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai, and the
easternmost one is Tiwu Ata Polo.
The lake is often shrouded in fog, so the best time to visit
the most beautiful lake in Indonesia is early morning, so you can watch the
spectacular sunrise views.
10 Danau Laut Tawar, Aceh
Lake Laut Tawar has 5,400-hectare is known as the biggest lake in Aceh Raya.
Local people know him as Lake Laut Tawar. Stretched
in Takengon, Central Aceh, this beautiful lake fenced in by the hills is one of
the favorite spots of anglers.

The charming natural landscape also
often makes this lake a subscription of photo hunters. This
lake can be accessed through the north and south, through the north through the
city of Banda Aceh and through the south through the city of Medan
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