Saturday, February 24, 2024

Komodo National Park, One of the Remaining Wonder of the World


Komodo National Park is one of the locations of the several world Wonders. Komodo National Park is in East Nusa Tenggara, located in the middle between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. Precisely on the east side of Sumbawa Island, separated by the Moko Strait. The total area of Komodo National Park covers an area of 2,321 km ² of sea and air as well. The island is a habitat for native Komodos. Thousands of Komodos live and breed here.

Komodo National Park is also known to have extraordinary underwater beauty. The beautiful biota below decorated with various coral reefs means that the sweet fish are not shy to say hello. You can dive and enjoy the richness of the sea on the island. Komodo National Park is the best diving site in the world. 385 coral reefs, seaweed decorations, 70 types of sponges and thousands of fish species are waiting for you. Not only that, you will also meet various species of sharks and rays, green turtles, six species of whales and 10 species of cute dolphins. It is a dramatic and awe-inspiring natural heritage.

About 67% of the National Park's coverage is exotic territorial waters. Has a depth of about 150 meters. The water temperature in this water ranges from 25-29 degrees Celsius with a salinity of 34 ppt. There are so many natural charms on offer in Komodo National Park. Apart from being able to meet ancient animals in their natural habitat, and enjoy the beautiful marine life, you will be further amazed by the beautiful views of the island. Because here is the Wallacea Line transition zone.

There are 254 recorded species of flora that inhabit the Park. Apart from that, there are 128 species of birds whose voices are beautiful and melodious, as well as 58 various species of animals. The combination of nature and vegetation improves the environmental quality in the National Park so that a variety of flora and fauna can easily adapt here.

Komodos are large reptiles that can grow up to three meters and weigh 150 kg. They are very strong with a stocky body, strong legs and tail which are used for hunting and fighting. Komodos have long and sharp claws which they often use to dig the ground. Komodos also have grayish brown skin covered in small scales and folds on their neck. Komodos have relatively small heads compared to their large bodies and wide, powerful jaws that hide their mouths filled with deadly bacteria.

Although Komodos have good eyesight, they tend to rely on smells perceived through their long forked tongues. By sticking out its tongue, the Komodo is able to sense the scent of particles in the air to hunt prey at a distance of up to 8 km. Komodos are known to have fifty types of toxic bacteria in their saliva. This poisonous saliva will be the Komodo's main weapon to hunt its prey. Poisonous saliva produced by poison glands in the Komodo's mouth.

Komodos are only found in Indonesia on the islands included in the Komodo National Park. Komodo National Park is not only on Komodo Island, but also includes other islands such as Rinca and Padar which are included in the original habitat of the main Komodo island. Apart from that, there are many other small islands included in the Komodo National Park.


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